Get to know me

Being true to yourself  feels like flying

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More about me

Comfortable with the uncomfortable

Ever since I started working, I love to contribute to humanising the organisations I work for. As I strongly believe this enables us to better connect with ourselves, each other and with the company, on a deeper level. This unleashes the passion in every one of us.

Next to developing and challenging the people I work with, I also continuously challenge and stretch myself. Exploring new territory, out of my comfort zone. Believing it will teach me how to be a better coach, a better trainer, a better person. Learning to be comfortable with the uncomfortable. I strongly believe we are all meant to shine. And stars can’t shine without darkness.

Esther Jörg
Esther Jörg
people development
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My values


Exploring new territory, building on our authenticity, autonomy and integrity. We are all meant to shine, together.


Let’s build the organisations of the future: eco-systems where connection, a fluid way of working and being human is the norm.


I love to co-create, together with you. With an inclusive approach, embracing diverse perspectives. Let’s shine and lift each other up.

Raise the bar

The right mix of high level professionalism, working agile, paying attention and being truly connected. That’s me!

Feel free to reach out
Do you want to get to know me better? Let's connect!

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    Let my sources of inspiration inspire you

    People don't remember what you tell them, they remember how you made them feel.

    Maya D’Angelou

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    The professionals I work with

    With a group of seasoned professionals, I love to co-create the best development programs for your company. All within our own expertise and specialism, we provide you with the best of our skills, knowledge and experience. These are the people I trust and are close to my heart. An eco-system with professionals that contribute to the organizations of the future. I proudly present you my tribe. 

    Paulien Adriana Presence & visibility
    Jordy Veth Mastery facilitator
    Ontwerp zonder titel (1)
    Simone Olthof Teamcoach | Facilitator | Founder Eye for Attention
    Annemarie Reeuwijk Leadership & career coaching
    Charlotte de Jong Schouwenberg Psychologist, Coach, Trainer
    Moniek Wolters Leadership & career coaching
    Annemarie Prein (Executive) Coach, Teamcoach, Begeleider, Co-founder QiQ
    Nienke Prein (Executive) Coach, Teamcoach, Begeleider, Co-founder QiQ
    Pam van den Bosch (Executive) Coach, Teamcoach, Begeleider, Co-founder QiQ
    Jeroen Biegstraaten Martial arts, Tantra, Leiderschap
    Marian Fölser Coach, Therapist, Trainer & Yoga teacher
    Rebekka van Praag Personal & authentic leadership
    Noël de Rooij Empowerment coaching & training, Impro theater
    Japke Keesmaat Training & coaching for young professionals
    Danielle de Rooij MapsTell guide, Career coach & trainer
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    About working together

    Companies & Clients

    Esther is good at sensing what you truly need and tailors the coaching accordingly. She understands you to the core and helped to convert my insights into actions.
    Change Manager at VGZ
    Esther excels in creating safe spaces where everything is allowed to be. She sees and recognizes everyone's unique value and contribution. And has a clear sense of what is happening in a (group) dynamic, to which she responds sharply. She has my full trust. It is wonderful to co-create with her!
    Former People Hero
    Tony’s Chocolonely
    There was an immediate click with Esther, our contact went into reflection and introspection quite deep. That made me look forward to the rest of the program.
    Supermarket Manager
    Ahold Delhaize
    A very personal approach, openminded and a pleasure to work with, also beacuse of her own corporate background.
    Finance Manager
    African proverb

    If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

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